“It´s the most wonderful time of the year”
Surely is! All the lights and glitter everywhere, the scent of hyacinths in all the rooms and the Christmas tree with the smell of forest. Happy Holidays are here again and a new exciting year soon begin. We wish to warmly thank all our customers, partners and suppliers for the past year. Now we´re looking forward for the next, with many new and cool styles from Calou! But before that, we´ll enjoy a few days off with friends and family, good food and a bit of rest.
We all celebrate Christmas in different ways, but we believe it´s good with less stress and not being so hard on traditions. Do things a little different from year to year, and it will be less dramatic if the conditions ever change. Invite a friend, a lonely neighbor or travel?
Vary the Christmas table with some new dishes from year to year.
We travel to Italy a lot, since we produce our clogs there, and we´ve picked up some Italian traditions to try at home. Start Christmas with a toast - Prosecco along with an original Italian Panettone, a yummy Italian Christmas cake, just like a sponge cake but much better! Another new tradition is to make our own Panforte, an Italian candy with chocolate, nuts and honey - super easy to make and really delicious!
Why not prepare a zoom quiz and invite friends and family away from home, a fun way to get together and to end a long day. Then just go to bed happy and content with lots of good memories to keep in heart.
However you choose to celebrate Christmas, we wish it to be just like you want it and that you´ll take good care of yourself!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Carina and Mats