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Artikkeli: Let our good reviews lead you!

Let our good reviews lead you!

Let our good reviews lead you!

"If you don´t own a pair of these, you´re not living"

This must be one of the best reviews ever! Mentioned by a customer on Instagram. We get lots of good reviews on our clogs, and we have customers that own over 15 pair of clogs and boots from Calou. This is pure happiness! Then we know that we´re doing the right thing - comfortable and cool clogs for everyday wear. 

The secret is in our soft, light PU-soles. Look like wood but are quiet and flexibel, not stiff and hard like real wood. 

All clogs and boots from Calou are handmade of finest leather, in Portugal and Italy. The leather forms to your foot, it breathes and ages with patina. For you to love and keep!

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Foot exercise matters!

Foot exercise matters!

By adding a few simple exercises to your daily routine, you can improve your balance, mobility and flexibility. It will also help you to reduce the risk of having pain or getting injured. Your feet...
